
Inspired by vitality
The encounter between every green thumb and plants is
different, but the feelings are similar.
In 1985, Mr. Hsueh bought a potted plant (Premna serratifolia) at the
flower market. As the plant grew under his careful care, Mr. Hsueh
was touched by the plant’s vitality, and the feeling of comfort that
came along with it grew in his heart.
Launch and passion
Finding a new life with plants on the road to bonsai
Mr. Hsueh is undeterred by the tedious process of planting saplings,
applying fertilizer, changing the soil, repotting plants, pruning
branches, and training the plants. The bonsai cultivation process can
take over a decade, and seems to be a long wait; however, it is also a
period of time for Mr. Hsueh to be with his bonsai plants, which are
reborn with a new look after the process.
Founding of Po Sung Bonsai
The sweat behind the beauty paved the way to
hard-earned prosperity.
Even though Mr. Hsueh was busy with daily life, he continued with
bonsai cultivation; the increasing number of medium and large bonsai
trees made Mr. Hsueh decide to establish his own bonsai garden in
Niaosong District of Kaohsiung City, which opened up the path to
cultivating yew plum pines and Chinese junipers.
1998Present day
Nonstop devotion
Creating a verdant garden, and learning and growing
with one another.
“A bonsai tree is not just a plant. It’s more like a work of art after
you’ve spent a long time with it.” After listening to and sensing the
messages released by the bonsai trees over the years, Mr. Hsueh’s
heart and mind has been enriched, and his bonsai have grown strong
as well.
2017— 2018
Spreading seeds of
beauty with care
To be continued
Promoting the art of bonsai and letting beauty bloom in
all corners of the world.
With Mr. Hsueh’s passion for bonsai and the encouragement of many friends,
he became the president of the Taiwan Bonsai Art Association from 2017 to
2018, and organized many bonsai exhibitions during his tenure, doing his
best to promote the art of bonsai. Has he not only created opportunities for
more people to appreciate the beauty of bonsai, but also opened up dialogue
between humanity and nature.

Start by listening and choosing tree stumps with potential.
We take care to sense the unique vitality of each bonsai, and then choose a container that is
particularly fitting with the tree specimen according to the characteristics of different species,
so that the tree, the container and their viewer can bring out the best of one another.
Individualized treatment: Every tree requires a
unique cultivation process, even among trees of
the same species.
Just like how one would handle children with different personalities differently,
we customize suitable environments for each bonsai tree, and give the
fertilizer, soil, and amount of water each needs at the right time to create a
unique and beautiful tree.
A world found in a grain of sand, and all of nature found
in a single pot.
There are more than 500 bonsai trees in the garden, including “Jinzuan” yew plum pines,
Chinese junipers, Taiwan capers, black ebony trees, banyans, bougainvilleas, and orange
jasmines. In the garden, all of nature thrives in the bonsai trees.


Because we care, we are willing to give away
what we love.
Each bonsai tree has been under the care of Mr. Hsueh for 5-20 years, and
seems to have a spirit of its own. Therefore, whenever a bonsai tree is about
to leave the garden, he provides detailed instructions for its care, hiding his
reluctance to part with it.
If, by fate, you have come to bring one of the
trees home to appreciate, we hope that it will
bring you prosperity.
Whether it is for your yard, for your windowsill or a gift, we hope that it brings
you vibrant beauty, and its everlasting greenery provides you with a source of
comfort in life.
Dear valued guest, we will reply to you soon after receiving your inquiry. We ask for your kind
patience while you wait. Thank you!
*Inquiry or suggestions

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Po Sung Bonsai (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) hereby informs you of the following matters in accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act:

  • Purpose of collection: Contract fulfillment; consumer or customer management and service; marketing; and services within the scope of our registered businesses.
  • Type of data: The applicable parties’ name, contact information, and other information that can directly or indirectly identify the applicable parties.
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    • Duration: The period of retention in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or contracts, or the period of retention necessary for the Company to carry out its businesses.
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    • Method: By automated machines or other non-automated means.
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  • I have fully understood the contents of the personal data consent form provided by the Company, and agree that the Company may collect,
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Po Sung Bonsai

Yew plum pine
The yew plum pine is a species that grows in neutral conditions or shade, but it can also tolerate full sun. Unlike other conifers, yew plum pine prefers a warm and humid climate, and is somewhat hardy against the cold, but is susceptible to frostbite when the temperature is below zero degree Celsius. Since the yew plum pine can be used as a bonsai tree and a garden tree, and its wood can be utilized for construction, medicine and woodcarving, it is highly valued.
Cultivation and management:
The branches are flexible and hardy against the wind; therefore, the yew plum pine is often trained into different shapes to create bonsai and used as a windbreak tree. The tree is most commonly affected by the whitefly and the geometrid moth.
  • F a m i l y :
  • S c i e n t i f i c
    N a m e
    Podocarpus macrophyllus
  • D e s c r i p t i o n :
    Evergreen tree, can grow up to 18 meters tall, usually pruned to keep it short, scales on the cone develop into reddish-purple arils that resembles the outside of a berry when the seeds are ripe to attract birds to feed on the cones and disperse the seeds.
  • L e a v e s :
    Leaves are linear-lanceolate, 7 to 10 centimeters long, 7 to 10 millimeters wide, entire, with a conspicuous midrib, spirally alternate.
  • F l o w e r s :
    Flowers in early summer, has male and female flowers; male flowers are cylindrical and grow in clusters of 3-5 in the leaf axils; female flowers are solitary and grow in the leaf axils.
  • F r u i t :
    Seedpods are larger than the seeds, seedpods become reddish-purple at maturity, and seeds are green, resembling a bald monk wearing a red monk’s robe, which led to the tree’s Chinese name being “arhat pine” (luohan-song).
Chinese juniper
Part of the branches and trunks of the Chinese juniper can be made into dried branches and dried trunks, or the so-called shari or deadwood, which imitates the natural phenomenon of certain branches and trunks of trees being split and the bark peeling off due to the trees’ prolonged exposure to wind, rain and lightning, thus producing an elegant and peculiar effect.
Cultivation and management:
Likes exposure to the sun, somewhat shade-tolerant, very cold-tolerant, also tolerant of arid soil, can grow in rock crevices; does not have strict requirements when it comes to soil, can adapt to both neutral soil and calcareous soil. However, fertile, thick and humus-rich soil is the best.
  • F a m i l y :
  • S c i e n t i f i c
    N a m e
    Juniperus chinensis
  • D e s c r i p t i o n :
    Prostrate shrub, can grow up to 75 cm tall with branches spreading across the ground, brown, dense with twigs, trunk grows in horizontal curves, which gives the impression of an ancient tree that has become hardier after enduring nature’s trials.
  • L e a v e s :
    Needle-shaped leaves that grows in whorls of three, striped lanceolate, acuminate apex with an acute tip, 6-8 mm long, concave top surface with two bands of stomatal bloom, which often converge in the upper part, the green midrib is visible only in the lower part and does not reach the apex of the leaf, raised below, blue-green, with fine longitudinal grooves along the midrib.
  • F l o w e r s :
    Dioecious, male strobili (cones) are yellow, form in the fall, and open in the following year; female strobili are small.
  • F r u i t :
    Matured cones are subglobose, carries pollen, turns black at maturity, 8-9 mm in diameter, has 2-3 seeds; seeds are about 4 mm long and are ridged.
Taiwan caper
Its dense branches and leaves can significantly reduce wind speed and prevent wind erosion of the land, and it can also help gather sand particles to form sand dunes, making it an excellent windbreak tree and sand-fixing plant. For example, a 6-year old plant with a crown of 4.4 square meters can help to accumulate up to 3.3 square meters of sand, making it the plant of choice for windbreaks, sand fixation, and erosion prevention.
Cultivation and management:
The Taiwan caper is a xerophyte, meaning it has adapted to survive in arid environments. It has deep and well-developed roots, and is not only resistant to drought but also wind, dust, high temperatures, and infertile soil.
  • F a m i l y :
  • S c i e n t i f i c
    N a m e
    Capparis spinosa L
  • D e s c r i p t i o n :
    A plant belonging to the genus Capparis of the family Capparaceae, it is a sprawling shrub that grows up to 1-2 meters high; branchlets are light green, pilose when young, and glabrous later.。
  • L e a v e s :
    Leaves are papyraceous, suborbiculate, ovate or obovate, 1-5 cm long, 1-4.5 cm wide, rounded at the apex, mucronate, rounded at the base, entire, glabrous on both sides; petioles are 2-20 mm long; stipules become curved spines that are 2-6 mm long.
  • F l o w e r s :
    Solitary flowers in the leaf axils, 2-3 cm in diameter; pedicels are 2.5-4 cm long; glabrous.
  • F r u i t :
    Ellipsoid berries, 2.5-4 cm long and 1.5-3 cm wide with numerous seeds. Seeds are kidney-shaped, about 3 mm in diameter, and black-brown; thousand-seed weight is about 3.1 g.
Black ebony tree
The wood of the black ebony tree is black in color, slow-growing, hard, heavy, dense, and lustrous when polished. Its uses are similar to those of ebony woods, and is one of the most valuable woods. It can be made into small utensils, walking sticks, etc. The timber is buried underground for a long time, and gradually fossilized to make the texture more solid and the color darker. It is an excellent tree species for use in beautifying gardens and bonsai.
Cultivation and management:
Seeds do not tolerate storage, so immediate sowing is recommended. In the summer, the mature fruit is collected. Remove the pulp and wash the seeds, and the seeds can be immediately sowed. It has a taproot system; the main root is long, and it should not be planted as a bare root seedling.
  • F a m i l y :
  • S c i e n t i f i c
    N a m e
    Diospyros ferrea
  • D e s c r i p t i o n :
    The black ebony tree is an evergreen shrub or tree that is 2-5 meters high with many branches, black-brown bark, rustic shape, slow growth. It is an excellent tree type that is low-maintenance. It is suitable for landscaping and hedges, and can be easily pruned and shaped. It can be planted as a solitary tree, in columns or in groups in gardens, campuses, and parks.
  • L e a v e s :
    Leaves are obovate or elliptic, margins are entire and slightly curled back, both sides are glabrous; mature leaves are dark green.
  • F l o w e r s :
    Flowers bloom from April to June, mostly in late spring to early summer, and are small and hard to see, often hidden by the leaves. Petals are pale yellow or white.
  • F r u i t :
    Fruiting period is from July to September; when the fruit turns red and ripe, it is edible, and enjoyed by humans as well as all kinds of birds and small mammals.